Album for (Certain) Kids


Album cover for "Flip"

Streaming - Free


Subversive children’s lyrics have a long and glorious tradition, of which I am well fond. The name of the album refers to mischievous irreverence, a cavalier attitude towards sanctimonious rules, and of course the transformation that occurs when the peace sign gets spun around.

My grampa and dad passed along a number of taboo pieces to me and my brother. It was part of the way that they displayed affection, and it supported some sense of relief from the stress associated with our disinhibition. It also established a kind of limit beyond which we did not tread at home.

Uncle Shelby’s ABZ Book was published a year before I was born, and I was given a copy when I was just a tyke. I’m not sure what happened to it, but I currently have a treasured copy from the first printing.

In any case, many of the songs on this album are of the type that I would have liked when I was about 5 years old… or so.

Others among them are less childish, but still whimsical.

The wav versions are available at the services above, and mp3 files through the album pages that are linked below.

Liner Notes (Lyrics)

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